When we think of curating, a museum or library comes to mind. And rightly so. Both institutions represent a place of knowledge. A massive storehouse of information. The curator (more like the team of curators) of such an establishment selects and organizes things for perusal, or for presentation. This exact concept of inventory creation is huge. The concept rests on the process of choosing from available items and organizing them in a coherent scheme. Besides museums, galleries, libraries and such, individuals can participate in this process. Collecting is curating. It is fundamentally human. And it’s safe to say that it promotes brain health. The benefits are many. Vital characteristics, key to learning, are cultivated: observational skills, such as pattern recognition, and organizational thinking that encourage creativity. The activity of collecting spurs the desire for more knowledge. And when you consider the local and national societies that exist for these activities, collecting can be seen as an endeavor that enhances social connectivity.